Tuesday, 3 April 2012


Recently I purchased a new decal for my macbook. I gotta say I love decals! Honestly if I could have a new one everyday I would, but its just too much of a hassle to take them off and then on again. Especially the ones with soo much detail on it! As you can see the one I got was a camera dial! The minute I saw I was obsessed with it, but to be honest I did look around to see if there was anything different before I bought anything. However this one was just the best! They even know and respect that there two types of photographers, the canon people and the nikon people! I love it! So you can choose whether you want the Nikon dial or a Canon one and of course I am a Canon photographer. For your information I got if from a website http://photojojo.com/store/

This is a really awesome website for photographers, here you can find unique equipment for your SLRs and even amp up your iPhone camera!
As you can see that the apple on my laptop has different colours, I actually got that a while back from another site! So I decided to keep it there! 
Also if you have an eye for detail you would have probably also noticed that I have a mini dinosaur next to my laptop. Now I don't collect them, not to worry, but it actually came with the decal! I though it was oddly creative and unique! So props to the guys at Photojojo! 

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