Tuesday 27 March 2012

Ostrich Nap Pillow

Ostrich Nap Pillow
As I was getting my regular dose of fancy I stumbled upon the greatest invention for the sleep deprived students/workers! It is simply genius! Introducing the Ostrich Nap Pillow!!

How amazing is this? Imagine, you are stuck again in the library/office and your eye lids are so heavy, you feel like you will dose off any minute! But as soon as your eyes close your head slams into the hard wood table! Everyone has the dilemma of nowhere to rest your head for a little while, well now that problem is solved! It is not only practical but very comical too! Just imagine students or professors or co-workers passing by and just staring at this! I know I would burst out laughing. The best part about this pillow is that you wouldn't even be able to hear the laugh because its cave like interior is made to isolate your head! Who doesn't want to take power nap in this?!?!
Wonder who came up with this ingenious idea? Well its actually by Kawamura-Ganjavian. (FYI I took these pictures form their site, not taking any credit :)

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